如何道地的說出,「我在上大夜班」?如何詢問同事「你正在忙嗎」而不只是"Are you busy"?
 1. In the middle of something ?  你現在正在忙嗎?
與 " Are you busy ? " 相比,這句話比較強調  ”現在  ”忙不忙的狀態,前者用法較廣,時間點亦包含”最近”。
例句:If you're asked whether it's a good time to talk, you can be honest and say you're in the middle of something.
 2. extension number 分機號碼
舉例:Will you please tell me his extension number so that I can call him again?
 3. Bottom line 最重要的是
舉例:Bottom line, you bring in revenue for the company.
舉例:Bottom line, if moving to the cloud does not have a positive impact on the success of the business, then it’s probably not worth doing.
 4. out of the red 轉虧為盈
紅色在西方人眼中具虧損、赤字的意思,大家可別喜孜孜地告訴上司:”Our company is in the red.”他肯定不會有什麼好氣色!
舉例:We’ve got to find more savings to get out of the red.
賺錢:in the black, make money, profitable
賠錢:in the red, lose money, unprofitable, non-profit-making
 5. Get the ball rolling開始執行某事
這是個很口語的說法,要開始進行企劃或專案時,可以充滿樂觀地與同事說句:Let's get the ball rolling on this project!
6. ballpark figure 大概的數字
Ballpark 為球場、棒球場,ballpark figure指的是大略估計的數字意思。
在公司裡,如果你的工作與會計或金錢往來相關,就一定要學會這個字了!有時候美國老闆甚至會將figure省略,如”give me a ballpark .“可別誤會為她想要投資球場啦。
You know, we want to totally furnish our new office. This is a list of what we need. Could you give me a ballpark figure for everything on this list?
7. Bite off more than one can chew 承受太多工作量
舉例:Eric is working late every night. She bit off more than she could chew.
補充:multi-tasking 多項工作在身
舉例:Multi-tasking leads to a lot of switching and distractions and stress
8. lay off (v.) / layoff (n.) 裁員
口語上的說法還有 cut jobs 或 slash jobs
舉例:The worst part was having to lay off half the staff.
舉例:We have been downsized to four employees.
舉例:The office is rearranged into 12 workstations.
絕招:要是真失業要找新工作時,可千萬別大剌剌地說你被裁員,要說“I am between jobs.“(我正好在兩個工作間的空檔),相信面試官會比較沒有顧忌的錄用你! 
9. graveyard shift 大夜班 
Shift有輪班的意思,班制包含了日班( day shift 或 regular shift)、小夜班( night shift )、大夜班 (graveyard shift)
舉例:She needed someone on the graveyard shift, 11 at night until seven in the morning.
補充:9-to-5er 朝九晚五上班族
舉例:I am only a regular 9-to-5er.
補充─加班:work overtime (也是加班費的意思!)
舉例:Just make sure you have trusted friends and relatives who can assist you when you need to work overtime or travel for your job.
雙倍工資:Double time
舉例:My boss promised to pay me double time!
一倍半的工資:time and one-half 或time and a half
舉例:I like to work on holidays because I am on time and a half.
10. Think outside the box 跳出固有思维模式、跳脱框架思考
舉例:In order to think outside the box, we need to consider every possible explanation.
加映場:真的!15個在辦公室都會遇到的事 15 Things That Inevitably Happen When You Work In An Office
作者:Sylvia Chu
Photo Source: In Memory Lane , CC Licensed

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